Thursday, July 12, 2012

"What you're doing, is wrong!"

Is the name of a thread on the popular website 
Someone that goes by the handle FBI_undercover wrote the following and I felt that the response from CJ_Taylormade was very articulate to say the least:

Have you ever thought about your wife? Your kids? Or perhaps the misery of the prostitute (those "silent sessions")? Your hobbying is very VERY immoral, and I hope that you realize sooner or later, before you get arrested.
But of course, if you don't have wife or kids, and the prostitute is not forced and incredibly enjoys her job, then this does not apply.

Response from  CJ_Taylormade:
Oh Boy, what an interesting thread.
I cannot speak on married people and what they choose to do that may or may not harm their relationships with their family.
I can say however, that many women who do this have no "visible" pimp in their lives. Instead they are pimped by AT&T, the medicine they need for their kid, their landlord, the grocer and so on and so on. These wonderful services that we look to as a needed in life that you could go to crying, with one leg and half a right arm and they would look at you with a blank stare and act like you are speaking in another language. They want their money, not sad stories about why you cannot provide the money for the service that you want/need.
That's issue numero uno in my book.
Number 2: If the original poster and anyone else that posts want to try to help get rid of any negative feelings a provider may have because she is providing then do your part in not talking about women who do this type of thing with disrespect. If women who did this type of thing didn't have to worry that everytime she opened up to someone about how she survives and supports herself and/or her family, she didn't get (1) hit on and treated like an immediate sex object, (2) shy'd away from because you now deem that person as not a good associate and (3) talked about like some piece of trash behind their backs.
I cannot do anything about who or who doesn't decide to hobby. Guess what FBI undercover? Neither can you. All we can do is our little tiny part to try to make our own worlds what we want them to be.
It takes an extreme amount of people skills to perform this type of service. It takes phone skills. Coordination skills and in this day and age, decent computer or at least writing skills to post a decent, readable ad. We aren't even talking about the actual get together yet, but if you want to talk about the skills needed there, let's just are right, it's not an easy job. You are sharing your most intimate self with a stranger. You have to learn how to disconnect and see it for what it really is without all the thoughts of that you are only suppoosed to share your body and yourself with those that you have feelings for. For me, I really did think of it as a service. Some of these guys have no one. No wife to go home to. No girlfriend. Heck, it may have been years since they've even had a woman smile at them. In that case it was easy for me to want to make someone feel good if only for a moment.
We all have our demons and our angels so to speak. I've learned that you cannot control what others do or how they behave. It's hard enough to control one's own life, let alone the lives of others.
So, be nice to your provider, do not talk to them or about them with disrespect, maybe even drop a positive line or two when you hear anyone speak badly of a woman doing this line of work. Maybe, just maybe, one day us providers and ex-providers will be seen as regular, normal people like the rest of the world. It's just a JOB. If someone visits a CMT and gets a full body rub-down to relax their muscles it is not far off from what takes place when you meet a provider.
Remember, there is a whole big world out there that most of us never even think about. That's why we get so caught up with the trivial stuff and worrying about relationships that some person we have never met might mess up.
Ok, I'm done.
Respect Working Women....They Deserve It...We all deserve Respect!!!

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