Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to calculate your escort rate

How to calculate your escort rate

Written by Amanda Brooks.
Its a very in depth way of calculating your escort rate.
Anyways, I just thought this might be helpful to for some of you lovely ladies.

A couple key points in this article that I really liked:

"Plan your rate structure around the concept of time and only time. I don't care what sexual activities you do or do not plan on offering. Charge for your time. If you don't think you're being fairly compensated, then increase your whole rate structure."

"A popular idea propagated by hobbyist is that escorts should lower their rates to make more money. This is a myth. These men do not have your best interests in mind."

Legal Advice For Sex Workers with XXX Attorney JD Obenberger

Red Light reporter kittenINFINITE sits down with adult industry attorney Joe Obenberger to get his advice and opinions about the sex industry in Chicago, the judicial process, and why those who have been arrested on prostitution charges should plead "not guilty". Part of our "Know Your Rights" series.

Know Your Rights!

kittenINFINITE explains what your rights are if you are a sex worker arrested on the job, and what you should and should not do when dealing with law enforcement. The SWOP-Chicago gang re-enact some commonly used police tactics in interrogation and how you should handle yourself in each situation.